
Activating Sovereign
 in New Paradigm Leaders

I invite you to remember an innate path to awakening, that includes both your humanity and your Divinity. 

This "full spectrum humanity" empowers you into a life
that is connected, vital,
  and fulfilling.  

This is your design,
 your birthright,
and mandate for a paradigm shift into the next capacity of
 your contribution to the collective of humanity.




a leader

You were born to unite and give birth to something the world has never seen before.

You were born to naturally manifest the fruit of your own sacred alchemy in fulfilling service, and multi-dimensional abundance.

I invite you to remember who you are underneath the efforts to become what you thought you should be. 

My joy and strength is in guiding you to claim and live all that you are. In beauty, love, power, and grace, you will manifest this purpose into the world.

Wherever you are on your path,
more of you awaits.

"Katherine is fearless, intuitive and articulate. She has a way of tracking your experience that allows you to trust in whatever arises and honor “what is” - whatever that is - without agenda. This has allowed for huge shifts to emerge within me in the most graceful ways. My process, with her as my witness, has been nothing short of alchemical."

Christel Caputo,
managing director at 


self evident truth

unmerited blessing

Axioms of Grace:
simply being who we are
is our blessing to ourselves and the world

Axioms are ‘self-evident truths’; a truth which cannot be truer than it is.
Grace is our individual and collective ultimate quest - of being able to reside in ‘what is’ with joy and surrender.

The Axioms of Grace are three pristine stages of personal fulfillment, with which we can attain that beautiful ideal. The Axioms are:
1. Being Whole.
2. Being Truth.
3. Being You.

Why Being?
Beyond all narrative, ‘Being-ness’ is our true nature. Our true nature includes our totality, our wholeness. Radical wholeness is our courage to "be our totality,"
Through radical wholeness, all polarities of our experience are included - being Divine but also being human. Nothing in our lives is outside of this wholeness. Being in - our vulnerability, our strength, our challenges, and our transcendent nature - is the means of radically including all aspects of us as an inherent part of our totality. 

Radical wholeness is a mandate to be a trailblazer, to living our design and serving at our greatest capacity. 

Whatever your quest, I invite you to explore the Axioms - the destination and the experience is always Grace.

the axioms 
of grace


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Being Whole = Being Love

Knowing who we are, and what we've come to do is essential in our individuation as divine consciousness into human form.  Expressing all that you are through your quintessential mission invites your unique form of embodied wisdom to contribute to humanity's paradigm shift. 


Being You= Being Wisdom

A journey of sacred intimacy with your body and soul intelligence into the revelation and remembrance of your deep feminine wholeness.  Here you are travel deep into your body's most intimate folds to discover your most transcendent nature (Divinity). Venus Portals is my foundation work of Divine Feminine Embodiment.


more info

want to know more? book a discovery call with me!


Being Truth= Being em-Powered

Shadow work is a necessary component of our authentic embodiment. We The more we discover, meet honestly, and embrace our shadow, the more it becomes a resource of deep power and truth. These small group series of deep shadow facilitation are a firm foundation for naturally being the powerful and loving humans we innately are.

"Katherine's heart is uniquely generous and mystically direct, in ways I wouldn’t have the words to express if not for our Sacred Sites pilgrimage. This was a pilgrimage to the strength in myself and the awakening of a truth I came in this body to cultivate, deepen and share."

Joceline Houdijk
founder of soul eros

"Katherine's integrity touches and inspires me deeply. She is a true guide and teacher. No one has ever held me so accountable to claim my truest, deepest soul desires and dharma like she does. No one has guided me into that kind of radical self responsibility like she does, On every level, the result is that I am rooted into a sovereignty that I didn’t even know was possible."

Erin O'Rourke
Reverend of Interfaith Ministries


katherine z.

Being Me. Being Real. Being Present right here with you.
Being a mirror of truth so you can see your own reflected.

With love, clarity, steadfast precision and compassionate counsel, I meet you exactly where you are never letting go of the truth of who you are.

Through this reflection, you are inspired to claim your soul’s design and live it in authentic ways that bring beauty, meaning, connection, and purpose into your life.

Sarah hoskin
-founder of sacred beyond


amanda PUA Walsh
 -founder of astrology hub

"Katherine has given me priceless tools and guidance, enabling me to hold space for thousands of people, channel the power of my emotions into creativity and insight, and even connect with my two young daughters in new and profound ways. I am forever grateful for her sharp perception and fearless dedication to helping me uncover the truth of who I am".

"Katherine invites me to connect with, embrace and love aspects of myself that had been hidden in the shadows yet at the same time, are core and essential for who I am becoming. Katherine's transmissions are deep and I have witnessed how expertly she meets every person she works with where they're at, open-heartedly and with fierce love. The Venus Portals is a profound body of work and map of feminine embodied liberation” 

"The way Katherine shows up in her humanness, authenticity and at the same time as a powerful wise guide and teacher makes me feel incredible safe. So much has changed within me and in my outer life since I started this work. And at the core it is the continuous deepening of the intimacy with myself and love. Through work with Katherine I feel myself rooted in a power that is bathed in humility, my expression anchored in truth and my whole being as love. I’m feeling myself rearranged - not knowing into what, but I know  it is from a place of pure being.

Joceline Houdijk
-founder of soul eros


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upcoming events

SkyBody™ Attunement
December 5-9th

Venus Portals
January-March 2025

Shadow Pods
January-April 2025

Women's Online Activation
November 3rd