Foundational wisdom for spiritual women living human lives in turbulent times. 

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Need space?

Here it is. Right inside you. As women our inherent nature is spacious. Yet we get lost in our relationships, our work, our responsibilities in ways that make us feel squeezed and untethered to ourselves.


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spacious ground

For thousands of years....

women have been connecting with the deep rhythm and grids of the earth through their wombs. This direct synchronization grounds us beyond our human bodies into our spacious nature as we commit to the ever evolving frequencies moving through us. If you are ready to remember this ancient art as a daily practice to support please join me for this powerful mini-course. 

Sarah hoskin
-founder of sacred beyond


amanda PUA Walsh
 -founder of astrology hub

"Katherine has given me priceless tools and guidance, enabling me to hold space for thousands of people, channel the power of my emotions into creativity and insight, and even connect with my two young daughters in new and profound ways. I am forever grateful for her sharp perception and fearless dedication to helping me uncover the truth of who I am".

"Katherine invites me to connect with, embrace and love aspects of myself that had been hidden in the shadows yet at the same time, are core and essential for who I am becoming. Katherine's transmissions are deep and I have witnessed how expertly she meets every person she works with where they're at, open-heartedly and with fierce love. The Venus Portals is a profound body of work and map of feminine embodied liberation” 

"The way Katherine shows up in her humanness, authenticity and at the same time as a powerful wise guide and teacher makes me feel incredible safe. So much has changed within me and in my outer life since I started this work. And at the core it is the continuous deepening of the intimacy with myself and love. Through work with Katherine I feel myself rooted in a power that is bathed in humility, my expression anchored in truth and my whole being as love. I’m feeling myself rearranged - not knowing into what, but I know  it is from a place of pure being.

Joceline Houdijk
-founder of soul eros