For facilitators, teachers, guides, and community leaders ready further discover, define, and manifest their unique work in the world.
A 6 month birthing into your purpose using the Venus Portal's intelligence.
Next Journey Begins Sept. 5, 2024-Feb. 13th, 2025
registration deadline June 15th
This training is an in depth journey through the Venus Portals to birth your unique purpose into form. The profound intelligence of the portals in their capacity to bridge our soul's vision into manifested form in collaboration with our innate connection to the web of life is the
most direct and integrated way to bring your work to it's next level in the world.
The Venus Portals are a pathway to liberation for women through embodiment of one's essence in our physical and energetic bodies.
The result is living situated in your true blueprint of being human, and a natural expression of your gifts, your love, and your potential in this life.
My Leadership Emergence Training is for those wishing to deepen in their embodiment through the manifestation of their purpose in the world, through the innate intelligence held in their bodies.
"I never knew how great it could be working with a content creator who GETS it. Mathilde really gets it.
I'm baby farm-to-table sartorial helvetica, migas marfa paleo chambray normcore 8-bit bushwick roof party truffaut banjo actually. YOLO health goth jean shorts forage farm-to-table flannel. Brooklyn hexagon biodiesel af, man bun literally salvia live-edge fixie cornhole freegan.
- monique, model
What is possible through this journey?
More deeply embody your authentic expression of the Venus Portals Intelligence.
Uncover your underlying passion in service to your gifts.
Articulate the foundational principles of your work.
Develop practices and progressions for delivery of your work
Meet the edges of your sabotage, doubt, and limiting beliefs and transform them into supportive allies on your path of emerging further into your purpose.
Strong authentic sisterhood with other emerging leaders building bonds as colleagues and friends for life.
Your continued growth, liberation, and embodiment deeply integrated into your lifestyle and abundance.
Creating the Crucible, Establishing the Field
Safety Practices to Establish Safety in the Body
(3 months)
Deep immersion into the creative capacity of the Portals to conceive, gestate, and articulate your unique pathway (your gift of service)
BIRTH (1 month)
Building your principles and map
Creating your external containers and forms
Creating your offering
Setting launch dates
Networking and Support
Every Thursday for the duration of the course 5-6:30pm CET. Here we delve into practice, teachings, and curriculum.
These 2 private virtual sessions a month with Katherine support you in the inner most levels of your evolution and healing and the outermost of refining your expression in tangible ways into your offerings. Katherine precise tracking and reflection support you in growing beyond your perceived limitations and manifesting your possibility into tangible forms.
These small group workshops (3-4 women) are very potent alchemical crucibles in service to your healing and wholing both through facilitation and witnessing from others. These are quickly becoming one of the most powerful means of Katherine's embodiment portion of the work.
This 5 day retreat is both transformational and educational, sharing practices, teachings, deep sisterhood, and the innate goodness that only happens when we come together in person for the work. Retreat will be held in Spain, exact dates tba.
Katherine is the rare teacher who sends her students off to create and flourish, nurturing when needed, and releasing when ready, to contribute in their unique ways, empowered and ready to live their own
embodied wisdom and mastery, informed by themselves, not her.
Erin O'Rourke
Reverend of Interfaith Ministries
Please contact me to discuss how I may support you in birthing your unique gift of service into the world.
Sarah hoskin
amanda PUA Walsh
- founder of astrology hub
"Katherine has given me priceless tools and guidance, enabling me to hold space for thousands of people, channel the power of my emotions into creativity and insight, and even connect with my two young daughters in new and profound ways. I am forever grateful for her sharp perception and fearless dedication to helping me uncover the truth of who I am".
"Katherine invites me to connect with, embrace and love aspects of myself that had been hidden in the shadows yet at the same time, are core and essential for who I am becoming. Katherine's transmissions are deep and I have witnessed how expertly she meets every person she works with where they're at, open-heartedly and with fierce love. The Venus Portals is a profound body of work and map of feminine embodied liberation”
"Katherine's transmissions are deep and I have witnessed how expertly she meets every person she works with where they're at, open-heartedly and with fierce love.
My staying power has skyrocketed in the past year because of these moments of expansion, and I barely recognize myself. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect guide, coach, and soul friend on my feminine embodiment path."