Shakti is the union of our sexual energy and our essence or soul, in service to love. Her aliveness winds her way through us, revealing the next frontier of where we can awaken more to ourselves and to love. Shakti is the guiding principle of the feminine. She is brutal, unyielding and excruciatingly impersonal in her quest to reveal and expose every last place within us where we are not surrendered to life.

In this 5 week series you can deepen your embodiment with each of the 5 faces of Shakti as she reveals through Desire, Discernment, Dark Eros, Death, and Devotion. There are suggestions for how to work with each of the facets in your body between calls.Description of each class; The following are the principle of love’s movement expressing through our experience. Each wave through the principles establishes a deeper level of alignment and truth in our embodiment.

Desire: In this first call of the series we explore the experience of Desire in our bodies as a ‘yes’ to life. This ‘yes’ draws us toward, and draws to us those experiences and that our soul is longing to learn from in this life. We also explore the correlation of this Desire as it expresses through the consciousness of our yoni lips.

Discernment: In this second call we explore the focusing of Desire into Discernment. It is Discernment that begins to cut away our ego wants and demands on life, from the deeper essence level of our soul’s desire. Discernment empowers us through our individuation in relationship to our desire. Discernment is connected to the portal of the clitoris.

Dark Eros: Dark Eros is where we uncover the power of our Shakti through the illumination of our darker urges. Manipulation, powering-over, the desire to destroy or kill, envy and jealousy are all expressions of Dark Eros, and as we feel the innate pleasure and power we receive from these emotions, we move beyond our need to enact them, and soften into our own humanity underneath them. This is what separates out the misuse of our sexuality in our embodiment of Shakti. This is experienced through the consciousness of the cervix.

Death: Death is an initiation of Shakti that carries us beyond our known parameters of how we know ourselves. When we enter this through the form of our body, it gives us a gentle handrail into our letting go, that brings a level of embodiment of our spaciousness vs. fragmentation into spacing out. The more comfortable we become through the initiation of Death, the we are available to live the fullness of our experience in our present moment. The initiation of Death is entered through the womb.

Devotion: Devotions is the natural light of our being that has been purified through the first four initiations, shared outwardly. Devotion is a higher octave of desire, a movement toward that which we most deeply value and honor as true. Devotion is an organic expression of our embodied interconnectedness to life, through our life force and our love…expressed through action.

the 5 initiations
 of shakti

self-guided online course

The result of this journey is a safer and more full embodied surrender to life, and its many expressions of our feminine life force. This relaxes our fear of the unknown, our need to control our experience, and our receptivity to the blessings life is bringing us in each moment. The more intimate we become with Shakti as our guide, the more we rest in our own innate knowing and power, and ability to make decisions in our life from our soul’s wisdom.

what you will get from
this activation

how to use the activation

You will receive a zip file with the 5 recorded Activation Calls plus a PDF with description of each call.
The Five Initiations of Shakti is a powerful map into flow of naturally arising vitality through our experience. With this map understood in our consciousness and felt in our bodies, we more easily surrender into the refining octaves of evolution as they move through us in service to our embodiment of Love.

"These 5 facets of Shakti are now part of my day-to-day life, just as my womb cycles, the lunar cycles, and the seasons. Shakti is now my guide in embodying my deep feminine which has been buried and hidden for a long time. I feel safe in my body to be aware when Shakti arises and to let her initiations move me into the next expression of my soul again and again.
The lessons & blessings are many!
A must-course for women in courage to deepen their feminine embodiment."


"This course gives us the template and roadmap for connecting so deeply within ourselves and accessing the infinite well within us that's always here, the Shakti. I opened up into deeper places within myself that I always knew was there, but I didn't quite know how to access them, both in a spiritual and a very physical way. I highly recommend it." 

Sarah Hoskin Clymer

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